Workshops and Seminars combining theory and practice
I design media workshops and seminars which aim at understanding media language through a combination of theory and practice. All workshops are based on the idea that images and sounds are a vital and promising tool for both personal and group expression. They are multilayered forms, sign systems, which create frameworks for observation, inspiration, planning, problem solving, collaboration and exchange of ideas . Important factors which emerge are creativity, notions of representation, and finally a relationship to an audience which generates critical discussions. Workshops aim at storytelling, based on the use of photography, video, sounds and text with space for drawing and collage, wheather analogue or digital.
The starting point may be a visual art exhibition (e.g. of Cindy Sherman’s early works, Cycladic Museum, 2024), a specific artistic practice (e.g. Opera, National Opera House, 2017-18), a community event ( Portrait Day, Danish Refugee Council, 2018-9), a professional group’s training ( librarians, Future Library, SNF, 2015-16. Target groups vary from school to university students and from professionals ( teachers, educators, librarians, social workers) to citizens who are interested to learn film making techniques for their own pleasure and development.

Media Literacy Practices with resilience
Aiming at a variety of audiences, especially with lower language skills, with a transgenerational and trandisciplinary attitude. I propose a media education strategy which involves deconstructing film and audiovisual narratives to self contained units. These units develop in both analogue and digital practices, introducing media literacy and critical thinking skills. The method connects to a range of audiences because of the universal and engaging nature of storytelling.
Includes theory, methodology, 50’min. practical session and 20 min. exchange of best practices/ evaluation.
Target audience
Trainers who wish to introduce media in their group work or seek a new tool for expression in small groups and collective exchange and discussions.
Presented at the:
“Media Literacy Matters” Conference, Brussels 2024
Media Education Lab, Online Webinar series, University of Rhode Island, July 2024
Short stories: less is more. One shot, no dialogue short films.
Aiming at getting deeper to dense visual storytelling, this workshops analyses filmmaking in the international non dialogue style and presents the power of one take short films and scenes.

Includes screenings and examples, technique and methodology, 50’min. practical session, introduction to editing and 20 min. exchange of best practices/ evaluation.
Target audience
Young filmmakers, trainers and educators, professionals who seek a powerful introduction to film making.
Presented at:
- Documentary Seminars in Athens and Cyprus, 2020-25

The short documentary language
Based on short documentaries by M Leonida and other participatory productions, this workshop reveals the freedom and plasticity of the documentary language.
Particular importance is given to the value of sound, as voice over, dialogue, synchronous sounds and added effects.
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Vivamus in diam turpis. In condimentum maximus tristique. Maecenas non laoreet odio. Fusce lobortis porttitor.
Ut ultricies imperdiet sodales. Aliquam fringilla aliquam ex
Vivamus in diam turpis. In condimentum maximus tristique. Maecenas non laoreet odio. Fusce lobortis porttitor.
Donec ac venenatis ligula. Suspendisse dapibus urna vitae posuere pharetra.
- Sed venenatis nibh ex, ac fermentum
- Eros vestibulum sollicitudin
- Cras enim mauris, lobortis
- Posuere luctus neque
And contact me for more details.

Sed ultrices nisl velit, eu ornare est ullam corper a. Nunc quis nibh magna.

Sed ultrices nisl velit, eu ornare est ullam corper a. Nunc quis nibh magna.

Marcin Zagorski
Sed ultrices nisl velit, eu ornare est ullam corper a. Nunc quis nibh magna.